Last night, Client One spent the night with my parents, so they were going to bring her home today about 11:00. I had a few errands to run, so we decided to meet at Target instead since it was actually a shorter drive. Well, I started out this morning with every good intention of getting to Target on time, but I had a stop to make first. Barnes and Noble had a book I wanted to get my hubby for Father's Day- Dear Luke, We Need to Talk, Darth by John Moe. I checked online before leaving to make sure they had it in stock, and they did. I figured Client Two and I would pop in really quickly, find it on the Father's Day table and we'd get to Target in plenty of time. I was wrong.
First of all, the book was not on the Father's Day table or any of the New Release tables. (The book just came out June 10th.) Naturally, my next step was to ask the nice people for help, only I couldn't remember the actual name of the book at that time. I gave the poor lady as much info as I could remember but it came up null, so I went in the corner and searched the web on my phone until I found it. I then went back up to the lady and had her look it up. She found it in her computer and took me to the section where it should have been. Not there. She checked her computer again. We were definitely in the right spot. After searching the entire Humor section thoroughly, she double-checked the tables up front. Confused and apologetic, she assured me that her manager should be able to find it as soon as she was done with her customer. I took this opportunity to get a caramel macchiato because at this point (a good 15-20 minutes into my search) I needed it. Coffee in hand, I strolled over to the customer service desk with Client Two to wait on the manager. She came out, looked up the information, assured me there were copies in the back ("We have a big promotion for this book coming up soon!"), and rushed off to the store room. I kept Client Two entertained with his sock monkey toy (he giggled and giggled!) for the 10-15 minutes the manager was gone. When she came back, she looked befuddled. The books were somewhere in the store, but she had no idea where. She apologized profusely. Bookless and late, (but okay with it because I was fully caffeinated) we headed to Target.
When I arrived at Target, I found Client One with my parents happily munching on a bag of popcorn and sipping away at a chocolate drink. I sat down at their table and looked the book up online and reserved a copy at another Barnes and Noble. Then, I rushed through what little shopping I needed to do at Target while she snacked some more. By the time I was done, Client Two was borderline fussy and ready for his feeding and nap, so I convinced my mom to stop by and pick up my reserved copy so I could get the sleepy baby home and feed Client One (oops).
Client Two fell asleep in the car on the way home, which was expected. I carefully carried him inside and set him down in his carrier in the living room. Once inside, Client One found her first halloween costume (a ladybug) and wanted to wear it. I explained to her how it wouldn't fit. Her insistence, of course, woke Client Two. I pulled him out and put him in his swing while Client One and I searched her wearable clothes for a ladybug alternative. We found her fluffy pink dress, but it was all tangled up with some wire mesh stuff. So, we had to untangle it before putting it on. By this time, Client Two was full-on fussy, so I took him back to his room to feed him and put him to sleep. Every time he was also most out, Client One would yell and wake him up. Finally, after about the third or fourth time, I announced it was naptime and I tucked her in. As the door closed behind me and I headed back to put Client Two to sleep again, I realized that I had never actually fed Client One her lunch.
Clearly, she was full enough from her popcorn snack. If she had not been full, she would have used hunger as an excuse not to nap. She is a pro at those excuses. At dinner she ate her normal single slice of pizza, so her death by starvation had not been imminent. She survived quite happily, never even realizing she missed a meal. (Though her popcorn was eaten around her normal lunchtime so maybe we can just cheat and call that lunch!)
I'm just going to chalk it up to that fact that it's Friday the 13th. That is the only way to explain this lunchless day.
Book sound interesting to you? Buy it here (so you don't have to go through what I did at the store today!)
Book sound interesting to you? Buy it here (so you don't have to go through what I did at the store today!)
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