Thursday, June 5, 2014

Alone Time

Yep. I was that mom casually strolling the aisles at Target last night with a box of diapers slung over my shoulder. You may have seen me smiling softly as I perused the clearance racks. I was dressed in my comfy mom jeans and oversized tourist t-shirt. I think my hair was brushed. But to be honest, I didn't care how I looked because I was alone. No fussy baby reminding me it's been a couple hours since he's eaten. No toddler screaming that she has to go potty RIGHT NOW. No chasing kids down the aisles. It was peaceful.

Now, while Target is awesome, it's not ideal alone time. But, seeing as how I rarely get any alone time, I'll take the diaper run. Since Client Two was born I think I have had four accounts of true alone time. One was another quick trip to the store and Two were visits to the dentist. 😁 Now, my husband and I have had at least two date nights where we were free of both little darlings and I went to a movie with my mom on Mother's Day, but I wasn't alone. Sometimes I just need it to be me and maybe a barista and a book.

I love my clients. I really do. But they are a lot to handle every hour of every day. They wear me out! Tomorrow night, Client One will spend the night with my mom, like she does every Friday, and I think I will leave the boys home. I'm going to book it up to Barnes and Noble, grab a latte or mocha and dive into a book. That is, assuming I can still figure out how to read a book that's not made up of cheesy rhymes accompanied by bright pictures. I'm going to take some time for me. I need it to stay sane. Trust me- it's for the best. 

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