Saturday, June 21, 2014

Role Model

Whether or not we like it, we are definitely role models for our children. They watch everything that we do and they absorb it. This means that as parents we need to keep a close eye on our actions and our words. But this post isn't a lecture. It's just an example of how closely our kids watch us and how they want to be like us.

Client One definitely has that maternal instinct that most little girls have. She loves playing with her dolls and just about every little stuffed animal has become her "baby." She cradles them in her arms, tucks them into their little beds, plays with them and feeds them. But it's how she feeds them sometimes that's funny. 

For anyone that does not know, I am breastfeeding Client Two. Since it is a completely natural process, I do not hide from Client One when I feed Client Two,  so she has seen me feed him multiple times. One day I look over and she has her shirt pulled up with a baby doll press to her chest. When I asked her what she was doing, she informed me that she was feeding her baby, just like I did. Yep. She was breastfeeding her baby doll.

Now, most of the time I just breastfeed like normal, but on occasion when we will be away from the house for a while or somebody else is watching Client Two, I might pump a couple of bottles of milk for him. I had to go back to work when Client One was a baby, so I have a pretty nice pump that makes this convenient. Well, the other day I walked into Client One's room to find her with a little plastic candle that had been on her window at Christmas time. It had a little suction cup on it so it would actually stick to the window. I figured it had probably fallen off behind her bed and when she was supposed to be napping she came across it. I asked her why she had the candel and in response she pulled up her shirt and placed the suction cup on her chest. "I'm pumping milk for my baby, Mommy!" It took every ounce of will-power not to burst out laughing.

I think it's awesome that she is watching me so closely. Of course, soon I will have two pairs of very observant eyes watching my every move and maybe even mimicking me. It's awesome, yet intimidating. In general, I think many parents want their children to take after them. Well, at least they're good traits. And that's the scary part- there are some things I don't want my children to take after me. Nothing drastic or terrifying, I just want them to be better people in general than I feel like I am. Not that I'm a horrible person.  I'm pretty awesome in fact. But I am human and I do make mistakes. Now that I know she's watching so closely, I take extra care and what I say and what I do. I want to be a good example.

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