Sunday, September 21, 2014

Sun Twist Boxes

**I received a free Kid Box from Sun Twist in order to do a review. The following is the review of the box I received, which has since been discontinued.**

Check the internet and you will find a large selection of subscription boxes out there for sale. You can find a box for just about any age in interest. I love our boxes from Citrus Lane and am eager to try out more boxes like them. Recently I discovered a company called Sun Twist which offers a variety of different options for their boxes. I was lucky enough to receive one of their kid boxes before they decided to discontinue them.

Sun Twist keeps track of what each individual customer receives to make sure that duplicates are not sent out. Right now, Sun Twist only serves a little over 4,000 customers so this method is manageable. To receive the kid box I also let them know the general age and gender so they could specialize the box to Client One as best as possible.

 By the end of the day I got to order my box I received notification that a shipping label had been created and an email with tracking information. Within just a couple of days, I received my box. I must say, I was rather impressed with the speed of the shipping (though, the shipping charge would have been around $7, so fast would be expected!) Client One loves to get mail, so when the package was delivered, I let her run out and get it. The box was nothing fancy. It was just a simple brown package with the label taped on top, but it did the job.

Once inside, Client One couldn't wait to tear it open. Once the contents were out, Client One got excited! She couldn't wait to open and play with the new toys. She got a small Disney doll, a puzzle, a MInnie Mouse book, a coloring bag with an owl on it, a Lisa Frank coloring book, a simple princess tutu, some modeling dough and a couple of Yankee candles for me.

I had to literally hold Client One back so I could get a picture! She couldn't decide what she wanted to open and play with first. I loved watching her little face light up in pure excitement! (And I liked the little candles!) In the end, she decided to color in the owl bag first since she is obsessed with owls, coloring and bags. She decided, though, that the little princess doll also needed to be freed from her package to watch the coloring process.

So, Sun Twist got an A+ on their fast shipping and age-appropriateness of their box. They also get an A+ on the courteous and fast responses I got from the company. The only thing I would question was the price I would have paid should I have bought the box. The box would have been $15 plus the shipping charge. Now, I didn't look up every single item, but I know most of the items are worth about $1 each. This is the reason, from what I understand, that they have discontinued these particular boxes.

Now, I cannot guarantee what quality or value would be found in any other box from Sun Twist, but I overall I enjoyed my short experience with them I know the items we received will get plenty of use and enjoyment!

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