Friday, February 21, 2014

Back to the Grind?

It's been a week since the last time I was able to sit down at my computer and write, so my "creative flow" is probably about to overflow from lack of use. You have been warned.

Client number two has officially arrived and he is as healthy and wonderful as ever. You tend to forget how tiny and perfect babies are when they first arrive. The dirty diapers and sleepless nights easily fade into little nothings when you hold a newborn, his little fingers grasping at the air and then curling around your own. There's also great pleasure when those midnight cries cease once he realizes that he is in the comfort of your arms and in the gentle sigh he gives after his stomach has been filled once again. And, of course, there is that special, newborn smell that I think only mothers can smell. That gentle whiff of innocence that has the uncanny power to make any woman of child-bearing years want to rush out and create her own baby.

This time, however, adding a child is different because I already have one client who is nearly three years old. (How is it that almost three years has passed since her birth?) She is a most valuable aid in this new job. She willingly leaves behind block towers and trains to rush to her brother's side whenever he whimpers. She doesn't complain about helping to throw dirty diapers into the diaper bin or helping to toss dirty clothes into the hamper. In fact, she loves it. Her own little maternal instincts seem to kick in and maybe one day she will get to have a job just like mine.

It's been not even quite a week since client number two's arrival, and things are slowly returning to normal, getting back on track. There is something comforting about the normal and ordinary, but it's a bit depressing too. It makes it seem as if the special bits have passed, through that's not true in the slightest. Every day is a new and bright beginning full of new adventures and laughs, of block towers built to touch the sky and of first smiles and accomplishments. Every day is a different sort of miracle and not ordinary in the slightest, despite how routine it may all feel. But all in all, we are back to "normal."

 I am recovering well from my c-section and am slowly able to do things I could not do a few days ago. People who assume that a c-section is the "easy way out" are so terribly wrong. It hinders you from doing a lot of things such as sitting, standing, lying down, getting up. Did you know that you even use abdominal muscles for things like laughing, coughing, and blowing your nose? It all puts a bit of hold on your life adding frustration to the job of childcare, but thankfully, all that is ceasing little by little.

Every day brings a new exciting battle. My days are already being filled with preparing breakfasts and getting two children dressed and ready for the day. Sometimes, I even manage to feed and dress myself. I even enjoyed the little battle at nap time, during which I successfully put both children to nap at one time and got in a little nap myself. I've conquered the battle of the leaky diaper (Luv's with Night Lock is the winner by far) and did not have to do two loads of laundry to clean everything client two peed on today as I did yesterday. I even used my magical powers to convince client number one to clean up some of her playroom today.

New adventures are coming. I can feel it and I cannot wait. Every day brings challenges, but I am determined to take them down before they can take me down. Here I come, ready or not!

Welcoming Client Number Two into the Family:

His dapper coming home outfit:

 Client Number One helping to entertain:

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