Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Being a Mom

This is just a quick post to let you know what it's like being a mom. Right now, I am covered in snot and baby drool. My "good baby" is sick and fussy. My toddler has been up from her nap for less than fifteen minutes and she had already undone all the cleaning I did in the living room. Yesterday, I asked my toddler where she wanted to go for dinner. She replied, "Rainbow restaurant." Having no idea what she meant I asked what she liked to eat there. This was her response:

After consulting the grandparents, we figured out she meant IHOP. The crying stopped.

I have become a master at eating with one hand, even if it's with my left hand. I can understand toddler babble enough to make a decent translation app if I had to. I can change a poopy diaper with my eyes closed. I've given up being able to go to the bathroom or shower without at least one intrusion. I never expect me or my kids to be in the same outfit at the end of the day that we put on in the morning. 

My clothes barely fit after two kids and my favorite pair of shoes has been missing a mate for months now and no one- not even the shoe-thieving toddler- knows where it went. My bed sheets smell faintly of stale breast milk and  there's a baby poop stain on the mattress. I have a stack of more socks without matches than I have socks paired and put up. 

Yesterday, I didn't dress client one until 4:00 when she got up from her nap and I only did it then because we were leaving the house. Some days even I stay in my pajamas all day. To make breakfast easy one morning last week, I let my toddler have chocolate Teddy Grahams for breakfast. Okay, two mornings. 

I could go on and on and on about my life as a mom. It's stressful and exhausting but you know what else? It's incredible. 

I have two precious, irreplaceable children that I love immensely. One kiss makes putting up with all the tantrums worth it. One smile can chase away a bad day. Their excitement is my excitement. Their good news is mine. 

It is a wonderful world to live in and I wouldn't trade it for the world.  

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