Thursday, May 1, 2014

Pee Sticks and Periods

Let's just be honest. One of the best things about being pregnant is the fact that for nine glorious months "Aunt Flo" doesn't come knocking. It's a perk that helps to make up for all the other discomforts you face. And, as a bonus perk, if you breastfeed, your period may not return for a few months and if it does, it's usually lighter. That's awesome, right? Well, yes and no. 

While I don't enjoy those few days of my uterus throwing a hissy fit because I'm not knocked up, it's nice reminder that I'm not preggers. Granted, I'd rather receive a nice card in the mail, but, hey, it's good to know. But when breastfeeding keeps my period at bay, I get a bit nervous and paranoid. After I'm officially "late" I start considering the pee stick.

Now, I HATE buying a pregnancy test. When I slink into the store I can feel the pressure of the judging eyes. It's even worse when you have a baby in tow. I usually go to Bilo because they have a self-checkout so that way I don't have to deal with the cashier and her judging eyes. (Yes, "her" because there is no way under heaven that I am buying a pregnancy test that a guy is ringing up!) I crawl through the store, finding other things to purchase before finally slinking down the feminine hygiene aisle where the pee sticks are kept. After carefully checking my surroundings to make sure no one is within a 5 mile radius I flick a box into my cart and hide it amongst my other purchases. Then, quick as a rabbit running from a fox, I race to the self-checkout to pay for and hide my purchase in a grocery bag. Then I make out of the store like a bandit.

Of course, peeing on the stick is a whole other story. They test the best first thing in the morning, so, of course you wait. That means that first thing the next morning you're racing to the bathroom. You know it's going to be negative but it's still nerve racking. So, half asleep you fiddle with the stupid thing, trying to free it from its bullet-proof wrapper before you explode. It's a rough way to start your day, but the relief that follows is great. (But back when you were trying to get pregnant, what joy when you got that positive sign!) 

So, yeah, no periods while breastfeeding is pretty nice. I'm not complaining. Not really. But not having that monthly "Congratulations! You're not pregnant!" notification is a little off-putting.

(And for the record- nope, not pregnant! Thank goodness!)

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