Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Day Two of Our Christmas Fun

This morning we awoke to find our mischievous elf, Bell, stowed away in Client One's stocking. We decided that he was staking out the stockings in the hopes that Santa would be dropping off some stocking stuffers a bit earlier. I pointed out that his higher vantage point was better for him to be able to see and hear everything that Client One would be doing today so he could report back to Santa whether she had been naughty or nice. Client One was actually very well behaved today...

Follow our adventures on Instagram with #MyLifeasaSAHMomChristmasFun
After we found Bell, our next Christmas step was to open the little door on our countdown to see what our Christmas activity for the day would be. The little slip of paper read:

Client One was super excited. Occasionally, throughout the day, she would ask if it was time to see Santa yet. Finally, the time came and we loaded up in the car to go see the best Santa in town. The best Santa is the one at our local Holiday Lights display (Roper Mountain Science Center's Holiday Lights). He is the REAL Santa- the one that makes you believe in Santa. We got in line right when they opened and we were the first ones to see Santa. Client Two went first, getting his first picture ever with Santa. He was was dressed in his own little Santa suit and he looked up at big Santa and smiled. He was cool at first. Then, Client One climbed up in Santa's lap and Client Two panicked. The picture is priceless. (Personally, I think Client Two realized that they were wearing the same outfit and was upset and embarrassed.)

I swept in and scooped him up and Client One proceeded to tell Santa she wanted a chain, a tool and an Anna bear for Christmas. I get the tool thing. I bought her a Green Toys tool set awhile back for Christmas so I've been talking about how neat it would be if Santa brought her a play tool set. The Anna bear I get, too. We got an ad for Build-A-Bear a couple of weeks ago displaying their bears from Disney's Frozen and Client One got her heart set on the Anna Bear. But the chain????? If you ask her she says, "I need the chain and the tool for my work." Not sure what work she's doing but I will be interested to see. After our visit with Santa, we drove through the light display before heading home.

Once home, Client One watched a little TV before taking her bath and choosing her Christmas book for the night. She had been waiting all day for her new book with almost as much anticipation as she had been waiting to see Santa. Earlier today, when it struck her that all the presents were books, her eyes grew wide and she threw her arms around my neck in the biggest hug I think she has ever given. She is a little girl after my own heart for sure! The book she ended up choosing tonight was Snowmen at Christmas by Caralyn Buehner. 

Now, Client One is safely tucked away in her bed for the night and I have to find somewhere to hide Bell, or rather to help him hide, for tomorrow. 

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