Friday, March 14, 2014

Super Jesus

Client One loves to play dress-up. Sometimes it's princesses and other times it's super heroes. She can come up with all sorts of scenarios for her dress-up as she is incredibly creative. Well, here lately she has been on a super hero kick and on more than one occasion the super hero she has chosen to be is Jesus.

Now, some people might say that her pretending to be Jesus is borderline sacrilegious , but I beg to differ. It makes me happy. Now, of course, she has is being taught that there is only one Jesus, but her pretending lets me know that she wants to be like Jesus. She understands that He is the "good guy"' and that He helps us out when we can't do things ourselves.

Jesus actually makes it into many of her conversations, even where you don't expect it. She talks about how He can protect her from the monsters that play in the snow (not sure where that came from) and how He chases away the monsters in the dark at night. Whenever she is scared of something, she says there are "monsters," so when she talks about Jesus defeating her monsters that is her way of saying that He chases away fear.

She also talks about how Jesus loves her and her brother. Just this morning she said that when Jesus would come visit her brother He would give him a kiss. She knows that Jesus can protect as well as love, and I like that.

I think her understanding of Jesus goes to show that even at a young age kids can be influenced to do the right things. You are setting up their belief system from the day they are born, and kids need to be steered on the right track. Client One knows what is right and wrong. She is in church pretty much every Sunday and she goes to AWANAS on Wednesday nights. But the best part is that she wants to go. She practically begs to go. And afterwards she loves to tell us what she learned. I want my kids to grow up knowing Jesus and God and everything They have done and will do. I want them to go out into the world and not be afraid to stand up for what is right. So, instead of leaving it to chance and hoping that they figure it out on their own, I teach them. We even have a Bible time in the morning at home. I want to influence them in a positive and godly manner.

"Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart form it." Proverbs 22:6 (ESV)

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