Thanksgiving is officially over and tomorrow is the first day of December. This means that Christmas is in full swing in our house! I spent the majority of today sorting through all of our Christmas supplies and decorating the house. Just about everything is up! Even the gnome is wearing his Santa hat. Pretty much the only decorating left is the tree, which we will go pick out tomorrow. Though, since Client One has a small fake tree in her room, we did get some tree decorating in.
Soon, our celebrating will commence. We have a wooden penguin advent calendar. Each day, we will open the appropriate little door, but instead of pulling out candy, we will pull out a little slip of paper with a Christmas activity on it. Sometimes the activities have been specifically planned for that day (like visiting Santa or baking cookies or activities that essentially have to be booked) but most days are random. This helps to make sure that we can spread out our Christmas activities and traditions throughout the whole Christmas season.
Another daily tradition is our Elf on the Shelf. We actually started with this tradition this morning. This is the second year for our little elf. Last year, we pulled him out and put him up a few places. Client One even gave him a name- Bell. But after a week or two I pretty much stopped messing with him. Client One enjoyed looking for the elf when reminded, but she was not quite old enough to fully appreciate him. This year, she will be able to enjoy him much more. Last night, Hubby read Client One the Elf on the Shelf book and reminded her of the rules. This morning she came out to find that the mischievous little elf had written a message on our window with a dry-erase marker. His message read:
I'm Back!!! Don't forget I report to Santa every night! Be good!
And, just to add more Christmas chaos to our day, we will let the clients unwrap one Christmas book each night. On previous Christmases, we have given a Christmas book to Client One each night. Once Christmas is over, we store the books to use again the next year. This year, I actually took the time to wrap each book (well, at least most of them are already wrapped) to give it a more present-like effect. Each night, at bedtime, Client One will unwrap her surprise book and her Daddy will read it to her. If Client Two is still awake, he will join in the story time.
Hopefully, I will be able to find time to write a quick blog post each day sharing our fun Christmas activities. But, as the Christmas season is especially busy, I doubt I will be able to find time to write every single day. At the very least, however, I will be posting pictures of Bell's daily mischief and our activities on Instagram using the hashtags #mylifeasaSAHMom and #MyLifeasaSAHMomChristmasFun.
Merry Christmas!