Thursday, January 29, 2015

Things I Love about Having Kids

Being the parent of young kids can sometimes be chaotic and crazy. There are definitely days where I am completely exhausted by 9:00 am. But despite all the frustrations that come with children, there are a few things all mixed in there that I love. These are things, that one day, I will miss terribly. Children grow up way too fast and one day, all the chaos that comes with parenting will be gone. Here are some of the things I will miss the most.

  • Toys scattered all over the floor
    Okay, it can be exceedingly frustrating to clean a room only for it to be destroyed by a hundred toys minutes (sometimes even seconds) later. We have a playroom where the majority of  toys are supposed to stay, but somehow they always migrate out. Despite wanting a clean house, I don't always mind the toys. I like the fact that Client One has built a block wall the length of the hallway and that Client Two has dropped half a dozen toys across the floor, all dripping with drool. Why? Because they are more than toys. They are part of the essence of childhood. They remind me that my children are fun and creative. One day, all those toys will be sold, thrown away, passed on, or in storage. My house will be clean, but my children will be grown.
  • Assorted hair accessories sprinkled across the bathroom counter
    I honestly do very little with my hair. Shoot, I'm lucky if I find time to run a brush through it. Client One, however, gets her hair fixed on a daily basis. Granted, she screams bloody murder about half the time, making anyone within a 5 mile radius think she's undergoing the worst torture know to man. To ease her pain, I buy her sparkly head bands, glittering hair clips, fun hair ties, special brushes, most of which are decorated with various Disney princesses and cartoon characters. These special hair accessories clutter the counter in the bathroom, but they still make me smile. She loves them and she looks cute in them. I will miss them when she decides she needs "grown-up" hairclips that are boring and not fun at all.
  • Pictures decorating the refrigerator
    Before hubby and I had kids, I thought our refrigerator looked dreadfully boring. It just sat there, keeping food cold, bearing little more than a few boring magnets holding up delivery menus. Now, our fridge is a constant display for artwork and pictures. Some of them are color sheets, others are free-hand drawings, but I love them all. New pictures that were done this morning are posted right next to ones done a year ago, marking Client One's artistic evolution. Right now, only Client One's drawings decorate the fridge but it won't be long before Client Two will add some of his own masterpieces and I will cherish them as well.
  • Random Cheerios scattered throughout the house 
    I am somewhat amazed at all the places I find those tiny litter pieces of cereal. They get everywhere. But do you know why I love them? Because they are evidence that a very sweet little boy was toddling near there not long ago, and I love that little boy to death. Cheerios are one of Client Two's favorite go-to snacks. He carries fist-fulls around with him and hoards them in his cheeks. When I find those little O's around the house I am grateful that my little baby is still baby enough to be satisfied with this simple snack instead of  demanding an endless supply of cookies like his sister.
  • All the loads of laundry filled with tiny clothes 
    Laundry is one of my least favorite chores, but I often find myself smiling when I finally decide to fold it. I love the tiny little clothes with adorable themes, pictures and sayings. Client One is getting too big too fast but I am happy she still wants to wear shirts with glittery hearts, kittens, and Disney princesses. I love that she wants to wear her leopard print leggings every other day. I also love that a few pieces of her dress-up clothes make it into the laundry on occasion. And, of course, I love the little man outfits that Client Two wears. Who knew collared shirts and khaki pants looked so adorable? I smile because some of them bring back fun memories. No, the stain on the bottom of Client Two's pants did not come out but we had so much fun digging in the mud that day.
  • Children's shows 
    The random accents of the Octonauts drive me crazy as does the weird animation of Peppa Pig but Client One loves both of those shows. Her current favorite is Wild Kratts and I find myself randomly singing the theme song. I also find myself quoting random lines from many different children's programs. Sometimes, after a day of nothing but animated shows with squeaky voices I just want to binge watch some Downton Abby but I really don't mind the children's shows. Many of them help educate my clients and keep them entertained so I can eat, shower, clean, etc. They are also something my kids love and therefore I love them by extension.
  • Obnoxious Kids' music
    Some days if I hear "The Wheels on the Bus" one more time, I'm going to shoot someone. Those songs are total earworms and I find myself singing them in my sleep, but they are more reminders that my children are still little and innocent. One day, I will be walking past my clients' rooms to hear loud, crazy music playing, possibly with a few curse words slipped in. They won't want the sweet, fun songs that involve motions. The only motions they will do with songs is the eye rolling that will accompany my choice in music. So, for the moment, I will turn up "The Itsy, Bitsy Spider" and sing it with Client One at the top of my voice while Client Two giggles and claps along.

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