Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Walmart Beauty Box

Do you like boxes of goodies that are more or less free? I do! As moms we tend to focus on our kids a lot. We make sure they have everything they need and we add on many things they want. We care for them to the best of our ability and in the midst of that we tend to forget about ourselves.

Both clients get Citrus Lane boxes each month. They love them! I love watching them open up the boxes and dig in. Making them happy makes me happy. Their boxes are really the only ones I needed. I've considered different mom boxes but nothing really jumped out at me. I have never been much of a makeup person so spending a lot of money on makeup and beauty boxes seemed like a waste. Food boxes are tempting and I tried Graze for awhile but I'm just too picky of an eater to get my money's worth. Then I discovered Walmart Beauty Boxes.

Walmart Beauty Boxes are technically free with a $5 shipping. So you get a box of pretty decent samples for $5. You fill out some basic info and they send you a box for each season. I recently received my fall beauty box. 

It included three Dove hair products for my thin hair, a sample of perfume (which actually smells pretty good), some Secret deodorant, a lip shade that I really rather like, some foundation samples (which will probably never get used), a pore cleaner and some awesome yellow fingernail polish. Honestly, I'm pretty happy with it. It's worth what I paid and I will use most of the box. From what I understand, they do their best to customize the boxes to each customer. It was nice to actually get something in the mail for myself that I will enjoy using.

Walmart is also planning on starting boxes for kids as well. Right now they only have these beauty boxes and a box for the second trimester of pregnancy. If you're interested in receiving a Walmart Beauty Box you can sign up here

Sunday, September 28, 2014

A Picture Worth a Thousand Words

I was sorting through the over 3,000 pictures in my phone trying to figure out which ones to delete. That's when I found this gem:

Now, to most people this would be an obvious delete. Client One is looking all crazy and Client Two is a blur in the corner as he makes his escape. It's not posed and you can't even see everyone. But I couldn't delete it. It's just such a perfect picture showing my life with my clients.

Client One is a brilliant, beautiful little girl. She's fun and creative and very sensitive towards others. But she's crazy! She's loud and energetic. (She comes by that naturally!) She has great enthusiasm about life! Some days it's hard to keep up with her. She leaves me exhausted and drained, but I love her to death. 

This picture captures her essence so well. It shows that energetic three-year-old. It displays that silly, goofy side of Client One that makes me laugh. The part of her that can be frustrating (Why can't she sit still for one picture? Just one?) is also the part of her that makes her who she is. 

And the blur in the corner? Well, that would be life since Client Two learned to crawl. He's always on the move, now! He's just not content to sit still. Ever. He knows how to get places, pretty quickly I might add, and he's all about getting there. Trying to snap a non-blurry picture of him is a trick. In fact, trying to get him to stay still for anything is a trick. Getting anything done is a challenge with a baby on the move! Trying to dress him is about like trying to dress a wiggly, slippery octopus, only an octopus would probably be easier. And I can't leave him alone for a second! He's just too quick to find trouble. 

So, what was supposed to be a cute picture of my clients in cute hats someone made them turned into a picture of my life. They say a picture's worth a thousand words and this one definitely fits the bill. Of course, among the other thousands of pictures there was one decent one that makes my life look a little easier and well put together. But this one is a little deceiving, albeit adorable.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

God Bless the Coffee Bean

I am a pretty good parent. I'm not perfect by any stretch, but I'm not horrible. But what can really turn me into a borderline super mom? This:

Coffee is a must. Now, I'm not the kind of person who needs coffee every morning. I usually shoot for some sort of caffeine throughout the day but it's usually sweet tea. (Southern gal here!) Coffee, more specifically lattes and mochas, is my special treat. It's delicious and can pretty much instantly put me in a good mood. It makes me able to function on a happy level. It wakes my brain up and chases away the grumpies.

I never drank coffe of any kind until college. I was working about 30 hours a week plus going to school full time and needed energy. I kept putting off coffe because of the bitter taste. That's when someone introduced me to mochas. The sweetness of the chocolate masked the espresso taste enough that I could enjoy the flavor and get the caffeine kick. Those mochas made my studying so much smoother and tastier! Over time, I've learned to like the espresso flavor but I still prefer that sweet touch. My favorite latte is, of course, a pumpkin spice latte with a couple pumps of white chocolate! 

Now, I know some of you are about to start the "Do you know how bad that is for you?" speech, but you're fussing at the wrong mama. I don't really care that it's full of chemicals and blah. All I care about is that it is delicious, caffeinated and soothing. And don't even try the "But don't you know how easy it is to make your own?" speech either. Most days, I'm lucky to find time to whip myself up some dry toast and a glass of water. Part of the luxury of a mocha or latte is that I didn't have to make it. For once, someone is making me something exactly to my specifications. And it's all mine. I don't have to share it with either client because it's a "grown-up drink." 

Now, I'm not a coffee snob. It doesn't have to be Starbucks. It does have to be fairly decent, though. Shoot, I even like a good vanilla cupcake latte from QT. Actually, I love QT. And they're cheap which takes away the guilt of a coffee splurge. In fact, I had a delicious QT vanilla cupcake latte last night about 8:00 because it was definitely a late-night coffee kind of day! 

Coffee is my treat and when I get it, everyone is happier. So, want to get on my good side (or make me have a good side), get me some coffee. Go on. I'll wait.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Sun Twist Boxes

**I received a free Kid Box from Sun Twist in order to do a review. The following is the review of the box I received, which has since been discontinued.**

Check the internet and you will find a large selection of subscription boxes out there for sale. You can find a box for just about any age in interest. I love our boxes from Citrus Lane and am eager to try out more boxes like them. Recently I discovered a company called Sun Twist which offers a variety of different options for their boxes. I was lucky enough to receive one of their kid boxes before they decided to discontinue them.

Sun Twist keeps track of what each individual customer receives to make sure that duplicates are not sent out. Right now, Sun Twist only serves a little over 4,000 customers so this method is manageable. To receive the kid box I also let them know the general age and gender so they could specialize the box to Client One as best as possible.

 By the end of the day I got to order my box I received notification that a shipping label had been created and an email with tracking information. Within just a couple of days, I received my box. I must say, I was rather impressed with the speed of the shipping (though, the shipping charge would have been around $7, so fast would be expected!) Client One loves to get mail, so when the package was delivered, I let her run out and get it. The box was nothing fancy. It was just a simple brown package with the label taped on top, but it did the job.

Once inside, Client One couldn't wait to tear it open. Once the contents were out, Client One got excited! She couldn't wait to open and play with the new toys. She got a small Disney doll, a puzzle, a MInnie Mouse book, a coloring bag with an owl on it, a Lisa Frank coloring book, a simple princess tutu, some modeling dough and a couple of Yankee candles for me.

I had to literally hold Client One back so I could get a picture! She couldn't decide what she wanted to open and play with first. I loved watching her little face light up in pure excitement! (And I liked the little candles!) In the end, she decided to color in the owl bag first since she is obsessed with owls, coloring and bags. She decided, though, that the little princess doll also needed to be freed from her package to watch the coloring process.

So, Sun Twist got an A+ on their fast shipping and age-appropriateness of their box. They also get an A+ on the courteous and fast responses I got from the company. The only thing I would question was the price I would have paid should I have bought the box. The box would have been $15 plus the shipping charge. Now, I didn't look up every single item, but I know most of the items are worth about $1 each. This is the reason, from what I understand, that they have discontinued these particular boxes.

Now, I cannot guarantee what quality or value would be found in any other box from Sun Twist, but I overall I enjoyed my short experience with them I know the items we received will get plenty of use and enjoyment!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Citrus Lane- September Box

Okay, I know I've already done a general post about Citrus Lane, but I figured I would go ahead and let you know how awesome September's boxes were now that they have arrived. Once again, I am very happy with my subscription! The boxes are well put together and perfect for both clients.

First, Client One's box. She received a wooden puzzle clock from Melissa and Doug, The Little Red Hen from Barefoot Books, a bath puzzle from boon and a little snack sample.

The snack was so-so. It was pretty tasty (she let me have a nibble) but it's nothing I'm rushing out right away to buy. She seemed to enjoy it, though, as we had to open it right away.

The book is adorable. The illustrations are well-done and super cute. I really like the fact that it came with a CD. Client One is at that stage where she likes to do things by herself so now she can "read" the story all by herself  while listening to the CD.

 I'm super psyched about the bath puzzle. I've been stocking up on bath toys for both clients for Christmas. I've even purchased a bath toy holder that attaches to the wall. Most of these products are boon brand. Using my ninja skills, I managed to hide this bath toy away for Christmas before Client One could see it and become too attached. 

The thing Client One was was excited about was the clock. I mean she was EXCITED! She kept asking me to open it and then sat there and played with it for a good fifteen minutes straight. I really like it because it teaches not only time but also numbers, shapes and colors, all of which will fit nicely into our preschool routine. 

Client Two's box was just as good. His box included a onesie from Tea Collection that included a coupon for $25 off $50 (and after checking out their website I'm pretty sure it will get used!), a food pouch from happy baby including a few coupons for their products, Fleet boat bath toys from boon and a sample soap from Mrs. Meyers.

The onesie is super adorable and I love it! It is so soft and comfy looking! I can't wait to let him try it on! Normally, I wouldn't really get much use out of the $25 off $50 coupon, but with Client Two growing so fast and a nephew on the way, I can't wait to use it! (Plus, I made the mistake of checking out the Tea Collection website and found too many adorable things!) 

I love using food pouches but don't buy them a lot because of the cost, so I'm grateful when I get them in boxes. I'm even more grateful for the coupons so I can buy more! They just make life a little bit easier and give Client Two some extra variety. I've never tried this company before, so I'm excited to give them a try!

The boat bath toys are perfect for our Christmas stash, so they are already hidden. One less Christmas present I have to worry about! These are perfect for him, too, and since many of the bath toys I've already started collecting will be a little over his head at first, I'm glad he will now have some toys that will be perfect for his level of development.

At first glance, the soap sample might seem boring, but I love it! I received a sample in one of Client One's boxes a few months back and fell in love with it. I use it to clean Client Two's bottles and Client One's hand-wash-only cups. It smells great and doesn't leave behind any chemical residue. What's not to love? 

Now, both boxes included a few add ons. In fact, Client Two's box was loaded!  In total, we got two finger puppet books, a few packs of reusable snack bags, a couple of bibs, ghost leggings for Client One and some more bath toys. The best part of the add ons was that I didn't pay for most of it thanks to great codes and credits from Citrus Lane! (You can read more on that here.)

I think Citrus Lane did great putting boxes together this month and I already can't wait to see what next month brings!  You can sign up for your very own box today and start stashing away for Christmas, too! Just follow this link and get half off your first box. That's right, you can get your first box at a steal and still get amazing products just like these! Bring smiles like these to your house! 

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

What Were We Thinking???

As Client Two gets older and further and further from that newborn baby stage, I realize more and more how much he is changing. Every day is a new milestone. Part of me is thrilled to see him getting so big! But a big part of me misses that little baby. And, even though I didn't see it so much then, babies are in many ways easier.

Do you remember the day you brought that new baby home? I remember Client Two like it was yesterday. He was a sweet bundle of snuggles that smelled amazing. He was so sweet and innocent. Even the squeaky little cries at two in the morning were precious.

His needs and desires didn't go much beyond needing to eat and sleep and poop. In fact, dealing with the new baby was fairly easy. Yes, there was less sleep and frustration when you couldn't figure out why he was crying, but all in all, you had it good. 

But then the milestones start. The milestone stages are super exciting! Afterall, you get to watch your baby grow and develop new skills. All babies develop at slightly different rates, but you know what to watch for. First, they learn to hold those little heads up. At first they're all wobbly like a little bobble head. So, you give them tummy time and their neck muscles get stronger and that little head stays up.

And of course, there's the rolling over- another benefit from tummy time. At first, it's a half-roll, just onto his side. Then, eventually, he makes it all the over onto his back. Then, he has to learn to roll back over into his belly. It's fun and exciting and you sit there encouraging him like crazy. You celebrate and clap when he accomplishes his task and he looks up at you in half-confusion before an adorable, toothless smile spreads across his face. But then, you realize that this means that those days of easy diaper changes are over. You can no longer leave him propped up on the bed by himself for a mere second while you grab him some clothes. You have to pay extra attention to him when he's propped up next to you on the couch. He's no longer immobile and safe. He can move now, which means he can fall. It also means he can roll over in his sleep and all those articles you read about the dangers of babies sleeping on their tummies come flooding back. Yep, your life just got a bit more stressful.

And then they are start strengthening all those other important muscles, like the ones that allow them to sit up. You prop your little baby up on his Boppy, the corner of the couch, next to you in the chair, in his Bumbo seat and wherever you can encouraging this big milestone. Finally, you see some progress. He manages to unsteadily raise himself into a sitting position for a few seconds.

You rejoice in excitement and the poor little guy topples over, but he's smiling as he topples. This, of course, leads to you trying to get him to sit for longer and longer periods of time until you have a full-on unsupported sitter. This means that means that you can start giving him little snacks and fun stuff. There are more toy possibilities. But now, you have to entertain. Your baby is no longer content to just lie there and coo up at you. Nope. He's a big boy now and demands even more attention. Besides, no matter how good of a sitter he is, he will inevitably topple over and bust his head wide open if you leave him for more than a second. Or at least that's what you envision in your head every time you're tempted to move even an inch away from him.

And, somewhere during the learning to sit, you start feeding your baby. You move beyond just milk or formula and give them the good stuff. It's an exciting milestone! Of course, if your baby is like any normal baby, they gag at you until you're convinced you're going to have to do the Heimlich on them. At first, the feeding is fun. It's all new and both you and baby like it. But then you realize that you have to take time to prepare extra food every day. And it's messy. And sticky. It seems that every time your baby has a mouth full, he decides to stick his whole fist into his mouth and smear food everywhere. 

All of this leads up to the big moment: the first time he crawls. I can't even tell you how many minutes, hours even, I have spent down on the floor, camera posed trying to get him to crawl. There's a lot of basic encouragement like "Come one! You can do it!" mixed with some bribery like "If you crawl to Mommy you have have food!" And then you try placing objects and toys just out of reach. And then it happens! That first forward movement! Or, in the case of both my clients, the backwards movement. But that's okay. Even if they crawled backwards, it's an accomplishment! Right? 

The next thing you know, your baby is mobile. You can't leave them alone for a second. It doesn't matter how many hundreds of toys are well within reach, he wants the cord to the fan or the pencil his sister left out or that tiny little thing that is sure to choke him or maybe the poor little kitty who isn't used to the mobile baby. (I can't even tell you how many times I have had to remove cat fur from Client Two's grip and mouth!) 

This is the moment when you realize that walking is just around the corner. This is when you wonder why you encouraged it all. Now, your days are full of extra worry and stress and panic. The days of casually going about your day with a sweet snuggly baby are gone. And you encouraged it. It's a good thing he's so darn cute!

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Fall- The Start of Seasonal Decorating

Fall is here! Well, almost. It's mere days away before Fall officially starts but I'm ready. Fall is probably my favorite season. Or maybe Winter is. Either way, Fall is amazing! I love the crisp, cool air and colorful leaves. I love apple picking and pumpkin carving. I love sweaters and fuzzy boots. And, of course, I love that you can find pumpkin flavored anything. But I also like it because it begins the season of decorating!

I love having the season declared through decorations! Spring and Summer don't lend themselves to a lot of decorating beyond Easter and July 4th. But when Fall hits the decorations come out! Throughout Fall I have the fun harvest decorations. Something about having them up just makes the air feel crisper. 

Along with the fun harvest themed decorations, I have the holiday themed decorations. At first, there are just touches of Halloween. After Halloween is over, a few Thanksgiving ones become more the focus.

And the decorations aren't just inside. The yard has to be a little festive!

And the weekend after Thanksgiving all of this goes up and the Christmas decorations come out! Christmas is my absolute favorite holiday. I pull out all the stops, but that's another post.  

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Apple Picking

Our family has many traditions and one of those traditions is driving up into North Carolina and picking apples. Client One has been apple picking every year for the past four Autumns. The first time she went she was only about four months old. The apples were literally as big as her head (but they were BIG apples!).

This year was Client Two's first trip to pick apples. He happily got in the car with the rest of the apple pickers (it's always a fun outing with my mom and aunt and sometimes a friend or two). Mostly, he just sat in his sister's bright pink stroller gnawing on some teething toys while we picked. He was so happy and contented we let him be instead of taking a slew of obviously posed pictures. Okay, we did take a few.

Our traditions include more than just the actual picking of the apples. That's just the beginning of the day. First, we head to the apple orchard, usually Stepp's, and pick a few bushels of apples. We always get Mustu to make applesauce and then a few assorted apples for snacking. Of course, we have to take pictures to prove our adventure. Every year Client One gets her picture taken in a tree.

Then, he head to this one market/farm where they have this AMAZING barbeque stand. We chow down on some delicious barbeque until we are stuffed. We also take a few pictures. Client One has had her picture taken on a particular bench the last three years. We also have to see how tall we are.

Once all pictures have been taken and our bellies are full, we head on over to Grandad's Orchard to pick out a pumpkin, Client Two pretty much slept through this portion, but Client One was on the ball. She searched through the selection until we found the perfect two to take home with us. We also had to grab a delightful apple cider slushie and a couple of apple donuts to give us the energy we needed to make it all the way home (even though neither of us were driving!) 

Sometimes on the way home we swing by a roadside market and get some additional produce, but this year we just went on home. I love our apple picking days! It's a fun family-filled time with good food and great memories. It's definitely a time I look forward to every year.


Ah, preschool. For most parents preschool means tearfully waving goodbye as your sweet little angel heads off into the cruel world of school. For us it simply meant that the playroom now has a learning function. Yep. I've started homeschooling Client One for preschool. I got her a cute little Skip Hop butterfly backpack with a matching lunchbox and a school box filled with school supplies to keep in her backpack. 

The playroom now has a chalkboard and a little desk and the walls are decorated in an educational fashion. We will be having class three days a week. Two of the days, one of Client One's friends will join us.

Every day we will do a little weather journal where we will observe the weather and write (and draw) it all down. We will also dress up Ferdinand the Funky Frog in weather appropriate clothing. On Mondays we will have a  Bible lesson, be introduced to a new letter of the alphabet, practice counting and learning numbers and math concepts, learn about our community helpers, get a feel for science and learn some musical concepts. Our friends join us for all this on Monday so we do a lot of group and hands-on activities. I try to incorporate a craft, story and activity theoughout the lessons to keep them interested and active. Wednesday is our day to do school alone. We fill in our weather journal and then focus on the concepts which need the most work. We do a lot of work book activities. Friday is our review day and field trip day and, since out friends join us again, it's activity filled. We also do an art lesson on Fridays. 

This past week we learned the letter "A", practiced counting to five, learned obedience through Noah, learned how to observe the weather and record it, practiced with percussion instruments, colored our primary colors and learned about firemen and visited a fire station. All in all it was a fun and fairly successful first week! 

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