Sunday, September 28, 2014

A Picture Worth a Thousand Words

I was sorting through the over 3,000 pictures in my phone trying to figure out which ones to delete. That's when I found this gem:

Now, to most people this would be an obvious delete. Client One is looking all crazy and Client Two is a blur in the corner as he makes his escape. It's not posed and you can't even see everyone. But I couldn't delete it. It's just such a perfect picture showing my life with my clients.

Client One is a brilliant, beautiful little girl. She's fun and creative and very sensitive towards others. But she's crazy! She's loud and energetic. (She comes by that naturally!) She has great enthusiasm about life! Some days it's hard to keep up with her. She leaves me exhausted and drained, but I love her to death. 

This picture captures her essence so well. It shows that energetic three-year-old. It displays that silly, goofy side of Client One that makes me laugh. The part of her that can be frustrating (Why can't she sit still for one picture? Just one?) is also the part of her that makes her who she is. 

And the blur in the corner? Well, that would be life since Client Two learned to crawl. He's always on the move, now! He's just not content to sit still. Ever. He knows how to get places, pretty quickly I might add, and he's all about getting there. Trying to snap a non-blurry picture of him is a trick. In fact, trying to get him to stay still for anything is a trick. Getting anything done is a challenge with a baby on the move! Trying to dress him is about like trying to dress a wiggly, slippery octopus, only an octopus would probably be easier. And I can't leave him alone for a second! He's just too quick to find trouble. 

So, what was supposed to be a cute picture of my clients in cute hats someone made them turned into a picture of my life. They say a picture's worth a thousand words and this one definitely fits the bill. Of course, among the other thousands of pictures there was one decent one that makes my life look a little easier and well put together. But this one is a little deceiving, albeit adorable.

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